A Life of Value

Artist | ArtstudioSant

As always,  I've been thinking. Thinking about what I hold valuable about life and what changes I need to make now to be sure that when I leave, I feel accomplished. 
Not accomplished in a capitalist sense,  but a full life of living according to what I hold valuable. 

So, what do I hold valuable?
A self-sustained life. Free from chasing things that will not matter should I fall ill.

I remember when I was younger,  I hurt my back.  That pain made it hard to use my legs.  I could barely walk and I had very limited use of all other extremities because of the pain in my back.  All I could think about was how I took the ability to move for granted. 
I reflected on all the times I felt the urge to stretch but didn't.
I recalled all of the times I was motivated to exercise but dismissed the urge.
I reminisced about the moments I could pick things up that I had dropped with ease and how tying my shoe had never taken an ounce of consideration until I hurt my back.
I remember praying and pleading with God to restore me and I promised to take care of the temple I had been blessed with.  

To an extent, I have.  Yet still I've neglected the value of the simple things that we truly need to survive. 
I feel like all I do is buy bills and waste away the majority of my time behind a desk to be in debt for the remainder of my years. We can't be free if owe someone. Your time will always be traded for a dollar to repay your debts.

So, moving forward I am making it a goal to live a life of value and absolute freedom is my treasure.  
In building this life I have recognized that I must eliminate all debt.  I will need to learn what my body needs to operate at full capacity.  I will need to learn how to grow food that will provide the fuel I need to maintain the lifestyle that brings me joy. And I have to remember that everything that is outside of the Creator's grand design is all made up. Anything outside of the Creator's design is what we have grown accustomed to and is not a necessity. 

Just like when I hurt my back, I only wished to be well and fully functional again. I didn't wish to be thin, I didn't wish to be rich, I didn't wish for anything other than the ABILITY to have a full range of motion because I knew that any and everything I could do for myself if I could just move again. 

That's the valuable life I want to live. The ability to move freely, the ability to think clearly,  and the ability to reconcile that everything else is a pleasure, not a necessity.
