I Rebuke You...

Photo Source | @Blu_bone

I watched the Sonya Massey recording several times and tried to view it from every possible angle and I was confused; at first.

I wondered if he was scared of boiling water.

Did he feel like he was in danger?  

Surely after she lifted her hands he knew she could not toss scolding water on him, and then she dropped to her knees... Her hands were still up, and he shot her.  In the head.

I watched it again.  I let the final time marinate and then wondered if the words, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus." triggered fear or activated a demon.  

Then, I felt this overwhelming sense of sadness come over me because we were always being hunted.  By everyone, even people that look like us.  As a people, we are not protected in any space.

As a woman, I only feel safe in my home.

It's sad that I only feel safe around the people I know God assigned to protect me and it's hard to feel as if that is anyone other than my family when I see a woman speak a simple phrase that many of our grandmothers speak in anyone's presence...  

I could have never imagined that saying, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus", would become a death sentence.  If he didn't shoot her for saying that, what did he shoot her for?

Perhaps we are just prey and praying for protection or calling the Lord to bind evil spirits is the only reason anyone needs to kill us.  Even our prayers are curses... 

How long will we continue to be hunted by those who are haunted by our faces?

No matter the scenario, we are the prey.  Even as we pray for protection, we are simply told "I will shoot you in your fucking face."  My heart aches but I have never felt more inspired to say, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus."  

Now, to honor the memory of Sonya Massey. 
