Love Me Some Me

I love me.  

I really love myself and while I should be writing this and feeling proud, I'm sitting here crying like a baby.
Not because I don't believe I love myself; I really fuck with myself.  I'm crying because I let how other people see me, interfere with how I viewed myself.  
I allowed society standards set the standards of how I speak about myself.  
I've been ashamed to say I love myself because I didn't want to imply I think I am perfect the way I am. Or that I didn't have things I wanted to change about myself. 

I have a long list of things that I would change about my imagery. I know what size, shape, skin texture, hair... I know everything I would change to make myself visually appealing to whomever but then there is me.  
All flawed and imperfectly made and some things I have the power to change; and I will.  Then there are the things that I was just born with, things that could be changed with surgery...

Nonetheless,  I love me. I love me in the present,  in this flesh, with this skin, with this head full of hair, I love the fat that I will lose (when I feel like it), I love what carrying it has taught me. I don't think I would love myself as much had I not experienced so much in this body. 

I know now more than ever that there are not many people that love themselves entirely. I do.  

I'm not ashamed to say or show it anymore. I think I will look better to people as I grow more comfortable with displaying the love I have for myself. I look at myself and I smile. I only think bad thoughts when I use the world's lenses to see.  I forgive myself for that and just want to give myself the opportunity to truly shine. 
I believe in myself. 
I encourage myself,  I have respect for myself,  I want to spoil myself... I deserve me. I deserve to be good to myself, to set the standard for myself...

I pray we all have the courage to love ourselves unconditionally.
