So Much Peace


Instagram Grab: @haileee_fierceee

There are levels to growing.  So much so, that on this level I feel so at peace with letting anything slip through my fingers because I truly believe that I will not miss out on what is meant for me.

Everything that I am supposed to have, I will have.  Everything that is supposed to have me, will have me.  The experiences, the people, the memories, the moments in time that will continue to shape my life; none of this will ever miss me.  Each moment leading up to THEE MOMENT is all preparation.  The guide is the voice within and the path is truly my intuition.  If it doesn't feel right, pivot.

Somewhere along the way, I was taught that I needed to endure things and it is true.  The things that you cannot escape, good or bad, are all pieces of the puzzle.  However, there are times when you just need to get up and out of a situation because the value of the struggle is not yours.  Some may feel as if they were put here to endure pain for others but that has never felt like my ministry.  I feel called to be supportive, I feel called to reflect the light I see in others all while shining the light that I have been blessed with.  If I operate with good intentions, how can I go wrong?

This path is not self-serving, back-biting, or harmful to another in any shape or form.  This path is the one that has been laid out for me long before it came to fruition.  I know that, I embrace that, and I am consistently grateful that I feel the urge to become who I feel destined to be.

Indeed, there is so much peace in knowing I will never miss out on what's meant for me. In the meantime, I will keep working to prepare for all that is aligned...
