Infinity & Beyond

Artist | Halimah Smith

I am into numbers so the fact that today is 8/8/2024 (8) has me excited about the possibilities of what lies ahead.  So many good things are happening and I want to begin celebrating them all.  The older I get, the more I realize that death is truly the only promise.  It is the one thing I know.

I don't know how.
I don't know why.
I don't know when.

And I surely don't know where I will be but I do know without any doubts that one day I will die.  Perhaps sooner than later or maybe later than soon.  Nevertheless, it will happen.  I will not live in flesh this flesh forever.  Nobody will.

Accepting this fact has allowed me to find comfort in living.  I want to live the way "I" want to live.  I want to experience being myself to the fullest extent.  I want to leave here knowing I did all that I wanted to do.  Even if that something is absolutely nothing, I want to know I did exactly what I wanted to do each & every day that I was here.  Tomorrow is not promised and the memories, my memories, will be the only thing that travels with me into the next life.  

And even that, I am not sure about.
