Let There Be Light

Artist Unknown
I used to catch lightning bugs as a child. 
Sometimes we would cup them in our hands, watch them glow a few times and giggle as they flew away. One time we caught them and placed them in a jar, with airholes of course... Anyway, I learned then, that some kids liked to pull the light off of the bug.  It always made me feel uneasy but I never really sat long enough to explore why it made me feel uneasy until today.

Today I felt a similar feeling of uneasiness and it made me think about lightning bugs and people that bring light to the lives around them. 

Made me think about how some people admire the light carriers from afar. Some people cup them in their hands, happy to have held them if only for a moment.  Some people like to keep them contained in a jar.  
Then some want to snatch the light out.  This makes me feel uneasy because not one of those circumstances included someone just appreciating the beauty and mystery of the Lightning Bugs or Lightning Beings and allowing them to be free in their environments. 

Each circumstance was someone attempting to capture it; if only for a moment or a lifetime...
Everything and everyone should be free to decide when,  where, and with whom they share their light.  To be captured for a moment or a lifetime should be the decision of the light carrier, anything less is snatching the light light out.
